About Olivia and Lauren

Two Sweet Potatoes is the beginning of Olivia and Lauren’s culinary adventures!

We love to cook and have decided to start this blog as we both have a million recipe books that we have not used nearly enough, leaving our husbands wondering why we keep buying them!

We love international food, sweet food, sour food, savoury food, hot food, cold food, slow-cooked food, healthy food, NOT healthy food, and we believe that cooking some really tasty food can not only be fast but also VERY cheap.  

Lauren is a nurse who loves to spend her spare time in the kitchen surprising her husband (who has fairly low expectations of Lauren’s cooking based on several strange meals early on in their marriage)! Olivia, who is studying to be a teacher, loves cooking with her husband who is completing law school. As they are both students, they are perfecting the art of super cheap and super tasty diners!

We hope that our blog gives you some great ideas for meals to make at home, and we hope we enjoy writing it!

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